Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It’s a Boy! Probably!

Last Monday Lindsey had her second scheduled doctor’s appointment.  She had the first semester screening sonogram which tested for Down’s Syndrome and other scary sounding conditions.  Everything looks normal and our baby seems to be perfectly healthy!  Praise God!
During our first sonogram, the doctor indicated that she might be able to determine the gender of the baby during this visit.  Well…she is pretty sure that we are having a boy! It’s not definite, but she said she was 90% sure that it was boy.
Now we aren’t going to start buying boy clothes or painting the nursery blue just yet, but it will help us to focus a little more on boy names.  Here are some new sonogram pictures.
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Click here to hear an audio file of Baby Toledo's heartbeat.

Monday, November 9, 2009

So…my first official blog.

I have been wanting to to do this for quite awhile now but I don’t fancy myself much of a writer.  However I have heard that down the line I will be thankful that I can look back and retrace all the memories from my pregnancy and parenthood.  So…here it is…

On Friday, Sept. 11, 2009 I woke up at 5 am and took my first pregnancy test.  I was so excited when I saw the two pink stripes appear which indicates that I am pregnant.  I wanted to shout from the rooftop but my precious husband was still sleeping (and would be until I woke him shortly before I left for work.)  It was very hard, but I did not tell him the news.  I wanted to find a little gift to give him, like a #1 Dad item, or world’s best dad shirt, so I waited.  Well, about half way through the teaching day I felt very ill, fever, chills very sore throat.  I went to our school nurse and she told me I had a low grade fever and possibly strep throat.  So I left school early, went to the doc and sure enough I also had strep.  What a great way to start a pregnancy.   I wasn’t feeling very well so I decided just to see what kind of Daddy gifts I could find at Wal-Mart.  All I could find was an “I Love My Daddy” bib.  This wasn’t my first choice seeing as I wanted something David could wear or carry with him, but this would get the point across. (And no I didn’t make him wear it!)  So I wrapped that and the test in a little box and gave it to David when he came home.  He open it and asked, “Are we pregnant?!”  I politely said, “No, I’m pregnant and yes we’re having a baby!”  He was, I think shocked, but very excited.  He asked if I really had strep or was this a ploy.  No, I really had strep and let me tell you it was not fun, especially being a vocalist.

Well, also that weekend my parents (dad and Lisa – stepmom) went out of town, so David and I packed up some things and our dog and went to dog sit for a few days.  So I didn’t tell me parents until after they got home, almost a week later.  I made my dad a “World’s Best Grandpa” t-shirt and gave Lisa and my mom “I Love Grandma” bibs also.  I bought the bibs first because that’s all I could find and think of and when I couldn’t find a grandpa bib I decided to make something.  All of our parents we very excited, Lisa even screamed and jumped up and down.  It was kind of fun to see!!!  It took me awhile but I also finally got with all my sisters and brother, grandmas, and close girl friends and told them all the great news and everyone has been so excited and very supported.  I know this baby is going to have a wonderful extended family to love and to lean on.  The weekend after we told the family we decided to share the news with our Christian brothers and sisters at church.  Seeing reactions from people at church has been so much fun!  I know many of them have been waiting for probably a few years to hear this news.  :) I am so grateful to have such a wonderful group of Godly people around me.  I have my family, my great K-town girl friends whom I’ve been friends with since high school and some since middle school, and all of my friends from church many of whom I’ve known since I was in middle school, 15 years ago.  I love you all and sometimes can’t believe God has given me so much for so long. He is so gracious!

Well, here are a couple of belly shots.  The first is from almost 5 weeks (the day after I found out.)  And the second one is from 12 weeks.

My face is kind of blurry here…sorry

I think I had just finished lunch and might have been a little bloated.  :)
By the way, I feel great most of the time.  I’m still tired but not as tired as I was in the first several weeks.  I am much more hungry and find myself eating and craving fresh fruit.  I love spicy things and fortunately have not had much if any heartburn.  There are only a few smells that really make me want to gag but they are smells that most people can’t stand to begin with like sticky bathrooms and sticky trash.  Other than that I feel like the same person except bigger and hungrier! :)
Love to you all!
Lindsey <><

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Christ Through A Musician's Eyes

Warning: This post will contain some pretty nerdy musical references, but some hopefully good spiritual references.  :)  Stick with it to the end.  It will be worth I hope!

One of the seminars that I (David) am taking this semester as part of my Ph.D. studies is a music theory course in which we are studying the 9 Beethoven symphonies.  At the beginning of the semester I was a bit apprehensive in approaching these works because I am a vocalist and an orchestral score can be cumbersome and difficult to read if you aren't used to it.  Not to mention that fact that it was a doctoral level seminar!

Part of the requirements for the course has been to listen to each of the symphonies three times during the semester.  This has been quite the journey.  The more I listen, the more I am amazed.  It is incredible that God gifted this flawed man with the insight, ability, and emotional capacity to write such music.

Music up until Beethoven's time largely followed a closely regulated system of compositional rules, customs, and traditions.  There were musical geniuses that preceded him (Bach, Mozart, Haydn) but none revolutionized music the way in which Beethoven did.  His groundbreaking 3rd symphony announced to the world that from the first performance onward, music would never be the same.

This got me thinking about Christ and the way that he transformed the lives of those in Israel when he was on earth and how he continues to revolutionize the way in which his followers live.

Following his baptism and temptation in the wilderness, Christ inaugurated his ministry by preaching at the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth.  He was invited to speak and, as was the custom, was handed the scroll and opened it to the appointed place for the day's readings.  Then he read words that were familiar to all of the Jews present in the synagogue - a prophecy concerning the coming Messiah.

  18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
  19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor."

The scriptures then say that he slowly rolled up the scroll and took his seat (in those days the rabbi sat and preached while the congregation stood!)  Everyone's eyes were fixed upon him, waiting to hear what this promising young teacher would have to say about this familiar text.

His family, childhood friends, and community had no idea what he was about say.  "Today the scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."  From that moment on, his earthly life and those with whom he came into contact would never be the same.  He perfectly fulfilled this prophecy by demonstrating the new Kingdom of Heaven on earth through incredible signs and miracles.  More importantly, he made provision for humanity's ultimate problem - spiritual death through sin - by his death on the cross.

The same person who shook Nazareth to its core with his first proclamation is the same one who in the book of Revelation proclaims "Behold, I am making all things new."  True to his word, he is making all things new, one transformed believer at a time.  As we are conformed into the image of the Son through the power of the Spirit, we regain our true identity as the image of the Creator and ultimately bring glory to God.

Each day our lives have the opportunity to proclaim to the world and those around us that, like Christ in Nazareth and Beethoven through his symphonies, there is more to this life than what they see, think, or could imagine.  There are greater possibilities and newer heights to experience.  The transforming power of Christ displayed in our lives reflects God's nature and speaks volumes more than the greatest of Beethoven's symphonies.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Big News! We’re Expecting!

After 5 wonderful years of marriage, our family is finally expanding. Yes, that’s right! We’re having a baby!

Our beautiful baby boy or girl has a due date of May 16, 2010. Although we have told lots of people at church already, we wanted to wait until our first doctor’s visit to let everyone online know.

Our first appointment was today, and obviously we were very excited!


Lindsey had a sonogram and we were able to see the first pictures of our baby. We heard the fast swish of a heartbeat and saw him/her move a leg and wave an arm at us. It was a moment that we will never forget! Here are a few pictures of our baby!


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Our lives will never be the same! We plan to update our blog frequently to let everyone know how Lindsey’s pregnancy is going. Please pray for the safety and health of both Lindsey and Baby Toledo. God is good!

Friday, August 28, 2009

32 years and counting...

Last week I celebrated my 32nd birthday. It's really hard to believe that I am that old now, but it's reality. So much has happened since I graduated from college, but in many ways I don't feel like I have done enough.

Enough of the self-examination. I had a fantastic birthday! The morning began with Lindsey fixing breakfast in bed for me. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Yum! Did I mention yet how awesome my wife is?

That afternoon we ran some errands in Fort Worth and ate lunch/dinner at Blue Mesa Grill. It's hard to beat sweet potato chips.

And for my real birthday, we made a trip to the Apple Store!

After two years of window shopping, I finally got a Macbook. Of course, it's for pictures and videos when have children. :) That won't stop me from enjoying it until then.

All in all, it was a great day. The best presents in the world have to be my beautiful wife and our dog. God is so good!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School, Back to School…

After talking about it for almost 2 years, Lindsey and I have finally decided to start a blog.  I really don’t know what we will have to share, but our lives never lack for excitement, or at least busyness.

We have had a fantastic summer!  As soon as Lindsey and I finished with the spring semester, we began the summer of travels. 

It all started with Lindsey’s two weeks of Orff Music Training at SMU in Dallas.


Next, we took about 60 students and sponsors on our Chapel Tour through Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi.  David directs the Chapel Choir and Lindsey directs the Chapel Bells.


The next week we traveled to Baylor University and participated in the Baylor Alleluia Conference, where the Chapel Choir sang and David presented several conference sessions on student music ministry.

And finally, we just returned from our 5 year anniversary trip to Walt Disney World.  We spent a day in each park and had an amazing time!


We spent our actual anniversary in New Orleans, where we had an amazing dinner at Emeril’s.  Delicious!


And next week we both go back to school.  It’s been an amazing summer and we trust that God will continue to bless us this coming school year!

Stay tuned for more updates from our busy, exciting lives!